Explore our projects
This will be followed by a business expansion phase (2026 – onward) where we will aim to become a global leader of Nature-Climate Solutions and Carbon Dioxide Removal.
This small but important project will be the source of multiple successes we will use to deliver our super-scale project.

The area will be home to our first super-scale forest which will span over 200 sqkm. It is anticipated to sequester in excess of 2 million tCO2e during its first 30 years
Empowering sustainability: Arbreen’s three-fold strategy

Carbon impact
The removal and sequestration of atmospheric CO2 is the central piece because mitigating temperature increase requires reducing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. Once implemented, the fair share of the sales from the generated Nature-based CDR carbon credits will be a long-term source of revenues for the villages.

Water resilience
Recognizing water as a critical resource, we actively work on harvesting and storing water from the extreme events . As we build sustainable water systems, shared usage becomes central to our operations. sustainable development plan for the villages.

Community investment
Arbreen will also invest in community’s land-based businesses emphasising sustainable farming, and non-timber forest products. This holistic approach aims to support the community’s development.
Delivering super-scale reforestation in Africa
Africa’s unique climatic conditions, rich biodiversity and the potential for high-quality Nature-based Solutions projects that capture CO2 at scale make it an ideal canvas for large-scale reforestation projects.
It has talented youth to support their implementation, and in many countries, governments that have the ambition to be the leaders of the climate transition, building on the potential of carbon markets to bring improved jobs, food security, health, and climate resilience in a major way.
With lower opportunity costs of land and a massive potential to implement more efficient and sustainable agricultural models, Africa is particularly attractive to super-scale Nature based CDR projects on this continent.
Building on Arbreen’s wealth of experience to develop large-scale infrastructure projects across the African continent, our first step is always to thoroughly analyse the context of each country. Political will and support by the government, complemented by a conducive business and legal environment lay the foundation for success.
We then progress carefully, combining speed, efficiency and focus on delivering results for each action we undertake and the resources we deploy. This includes site identification and initial stakeholder engagement to the feasibility study phase, project co-design with experts, landowners and communities, to negotiating long-term contracts for the sales of carbon credits; and finally, execution.
Our vision is ambitious, yet clearly defined. Within the next five years, we will initiate reforestation projects in 5-20 African countries targeting per-country averages of 5-10 million tCO2 annually in certified carbon credits.